All submitted papers will be reviewed by the Austrochip 2005 reviewing committee to assure a high level of quality for the conference program.
The Austrochip 2005 conference chair would like to thank all members of the Austrochip 2005 reviewing committee as shown below:
Thomas Bauernfeind, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Dieter Draxelmayr, Infineon Technologies Villach
Alfred Fuchs, Siemens Wien
Georg Gaderer, Vienna University of Technology
Herbert Grünbacher, Vienna University of Technology
Richard Hagelauer, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Thomas Herndl, Infineon Technologies
Rainer Holzhaider, austriamicrosystems AG
Martin Horauer, University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
Roland Höller, Vienna University of Technology
Nikolaus Kerö, Vienna University of Technology
Christoph Lackner, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Manfred Ley, Carinthia Tech Institute
Hannes Muhr, Vienna University of Technology
Herbert Nachtnebel, Vienna University of Technology
Christian Netzberger, University of Applied Sciences Joanneum Kapfenberg
Erwin Ofner, Carinthia Tech Institute
Timm Ostermann, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Karl C. Posch, Graz University of Technology
Wolfgang Pribyl, Graz University of Technology
Peter Rössler, Vienna University of Technology
Markus Rupp, Vienna University of Technology
Thilo Sauter, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Peter Söser, Graz University of Technology
Andreas Steininger, Vienna University of Technology
Gunter Winkler, Technische Universität Graz
Johannes Wolkerstorfer, Graz University of Technology
Horst Zimmermann, Vienna University of Technology