Austrochip 2007

15th Austrian Workshop on Microelectronics
11 October 2007, Graz, Austria.

IAIK - Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications

Austrochip 2007 - Call for Papers

Download: [Austrochip 2007 - Call for Papers] (pdf 207 kB)

The Austrochip deals with the design of analog, digital and mixed-signal integrated circuits and systems. Submissions of original research papers to the workshop should cover, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • Design tools and methodologies
  • System modeling and verification
  • Design reuse and IP-based design
  • FPGA design and reconfigurable systems
  • Testing and prototyping
  • Case studies

The official language of the conference is German, but English contributions are welcome. The formal proceedings of the workshop are recognized by the IEEE Austria Section.

Call for Papers - Student Category

Students are invited to submit papers (e.g. presentations of sophisticated projects or diploma thesis) in the Austrochip student category. Supervisors of such projects are also asked for support and to spread out this call. Papers submitted in the student category will be published in the conference proceedings, if they are accepted by the reviewing committee. Student papers should meet the same formal critera as regular papers (see below). Papers submitted in the student category should be labeled with "student paper".

Instructions for authors

Papers should not exceed 4 to 8 pages (including the bibliography) and will be published in the conference proceedings, if they are accepted by the reviewing committee and at least one author registers for the workshop. Accepted file formats are MS-Word, Adobe PDF and PostScript. Templates can be downloaded below:

All submitted papers are anonymously reviewed by the Austrochip 2007 reviewing committee. Authors are asked to submit blinded (anonymous) articles.


Please submit your paper by filling out the form below until 08 July 2007 15 July 2007:

Article Title:
Student Paper:

Author Names:
(one per line)

Contact Email-Address:
Street + Number:
Postcode / ZIP:

If you have troubles using the form, please send the article to Add the required information: title, authors, email, affiliation, and address of the corresponding author.

ASIC Design Contest 2007

austriamicrosystems (Unterpremstätten), the Institute for Electronics (Graz University of Technology) and the Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications (Graz University of Technology) invite students to submit proposals concerning the design of an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). Analog or mixed-signal designs are preferred. Up to three projects are selected by the selection committee to be implemented in silicon using austriamicrosystems 0.35 µm platform. Costs will be covered by austriamicrosystems. Design work will be done under supervision of the institutes at Graz University of Technology. More information on the ASIC design contest 2007 can be found in the following documents:

Please send the proposal of your project to the selection committee of the ASIC design contest 2007 (see e-mail address in the PDF documents) by 10 September 2007. The accepted projects will be presented at the Austrochip 2007 workshop.