Austrochip 2009
17th Austrian Workshop on Microelectronics
07 October 2009, Graz, Austria.

University of Technology Graz

Institut for Elektronics


About Austrochip

The traditional annual Austrochip Workshop on Microelectronics is a platform to present the latest activities in the field of integrated circuits and systems in Austria and in neighboring countries. 

The Austrochip workshop understands itself as a forum for discussion and contact between academia and industry. 

This year the Austrochip workshop will be held for the 17th time and is organized by the Institue for Electronics at the Technical University of Graz. 


The Austrochip conference is organized by academic institutions. Every year, one of the following institutes organizes the workshop:

Institute for Electronics, Graz University of Technology
(IFE) [->]
Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications, Graz University of Technology
(IAIK) [->]
Institute of Computer Technology, Vienna University of Technology
(ICT) [->]
Institute for Integrated Circuits, Johannes Kepler University Linz
(RIIC) [->]
FH Kärnten / Carinthia University of Applied Science
(CTI) [->]